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Our first Minecraft Birthday party (with our unique Minecraft printables) is one of our most popular posts. We celebrated our son with fun and unique Minecraft party ideas. It was THE BEST! And we did it again two years in a row with brand new ideas.
Maybe this is how you found us? It’s the post that has outed us as bloggers with other parents we know in real life. (I’m not sure why we don’t talk about blogging with folks we know in town, but we tend to hide it under our proverbial bushel.) I have a bunch of parents I know come up to me, “Hey, I didn’t know you had a blog! I found your Minecraft post online?!”
Yes, we are shameful at self-promotion. Anyhow…
How do you throw a birthday party in Minecraft?
We did a Minecraft party theme for our son two years in a row. It was THAT popular with he and his friends! With good reason – it’s such a fun theme – and to lift our bushel a little bit: we had some pretty fabulous party ideas.
Highlights from our first party:
Birthday Party: Minecraft Printables, Crafts and Games
Our second Minecraft Party had a slightly different theme: Night!
All kids know that the Night mode in Minecraft has even more adventures – and we built on this creepier theme with some cool activities.
Even More Minecraft Birthday Party Ideas, Games and Printables 2.0
There are a ton more easy Minecraft party ideas that I’ve found from other bloggers that I’m thrilled to share with you.
I wrote this post with an ulterior motive. Ed has gone and convinced our son that a Splatoon themed birthday party would be fun. I’ve heard it involves water guns filled with paint. Of course, that sounds amazing to our son! Of course, that sounds like a nightmare to me! I gathered some more Minecraft ideas in hopes that I can lure him back to something that won’t ruin everything we own and end the party in the ER.
Maybe you’ll find ideas you like here, too! That’s the real important reason.
Minecraft Party Ideas
Minecraft Food Ideas
We’ve shared so many great birthday party ideas over the years – Ocean’s Eleven-style Heist! Secret Agent! – and some tips for low stress one’s too – you can find them all here!
Robin and Ed are a DIY-loving couple with over 25 years of design and build experience. Also, Robin is a Nutritionist and former Registered Dietitian and Ed is an award-winning Business Educator. We share strategies for living a rich life on a DIY budget: creative money-savvy ideas for a stylish home, healthy meals and family fun. Our work has been published in the pages of Do It Yourself, Farmhouse Style and Better Homes & Gardens magazines.