Robin and Ed are a DIY-loving couple with over 20 years of design and build experience. Also, Robin is a Nutritionist and former Registered Dietitian and Ed is an award-winning Business Educator. We share strategies for living a rich life on a DIY budget: creative money-savvy ideas for a stylish home, healthy meals and family fun. Our work has been published in the pages of Do It Yourself, Farmhouse Style and Better Homes & Gardens magazines.
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by Robin
There are plenty of benefits to making your own homemade Taco Seasoning Packets:
- Less expensive. You probably already have these spices.
- Less processed. You can pronounce everything that goes into this recipe. (Well, maybe not Cumin. Which is it: “Coo-min” or “Come-in”? Or maybe it’s “Cue-min”?)
- Less sodium. Way, way less. This recipe has the same amount in 6 packets as 1 packet of “Old El Paso”.
- Efficient time wise. This recipe makes the equivalent of 6 packets at once. This takes nanoseconds longer than making one.
How many tablespoons in a taco seasoning packet?
For this recipe 2 Rounded Tablespoons equals one taco seasoning packet. An easy substitute!
We love this spice in our Mexican Lasagne (recipe here):
We also use it in our Dump and Dash Slow Cooker Chili (recipe here)
Here it is! Our Healthy Homemade Taco Seasoning Packet Recipe
(Replaces 6 packets)
Healthy Taco Seasoning Packet Recipe
Low Salt and low cost! Keep this spice mix handy to use in place of expensive, salty packets.
2 Rounded Tablespoons = 1 Taco Seasoning Package
- 4 Tbsp Chili Powder
- 4 Tbsp Paprika
- 3 Tbsp Cumin
- 2 Tbsp Onion Powder
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Black Pepper
- 1 tsp Garlic Powder
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- Mix spices.
- Store in a sealed container. (A jam jar works great.)
- Label your container: 2 Rounded Tablespoons = 1 Taco Seasoning Package