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20+ Healthy Kid Friendly Salmon Recipes Your Family Will Love

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by Robin

I desperately wanted my kids to eat salmon – it’s so good for them. But, I need some healthy kid friendly salmon recipes to convince them to try. That’s exactly what I found and I’m sharing them here to help you too.

As a former Registered Dietitian, I know full and well all the benefits of eating salmon. But do you think it’s a regular on our Meal Plan Master List?

Nope. Ed and I both love salmon – so the problem doesn’t lie with us. You guessed it. We’ve got the same problem you likely do. We have kids. Kids can be less than open-minded about some foods. One of those foods – so far – has been salmon.

  • I know that it’s loaded with DHA Omega-3 fats which are amazing for growing brains – and aging ones, too.
  • It’s also an incredible source of Vitamin D.

In our frigid, grey Canadian winters – kids are too bundled up for their bodies to make the Sunshine Vitamin.  From October to May Canadians need to be purposeful about getting Vitamin D.  

Nutrients found naturally in food are my preferred method over supplements. (But we do take a supplement of Vitamin D in the winter months.  These Ddrops are our favourite and I recommend them all the time.)

How can I get my child to eat salmon?

I’ve been experimenting with ways to get salmon onto our family table.

We already regularly eat some fish. We’ve written before about our Healthier Fish Stick Hack recipe. I had thought about just substituting salmon for the white fish – but sometimes you can run the risk of turning some kids off of a recipe they like by messing with it too much.

A couple of months ago I had some success with a Salmon Cakes recipe from this wonderful family cookbook, Cooking Light Dinnertime Survival Guide: Feed Your Family. Save Your Sanity, from Sally at Real Mom Nutrition.

One kid liked them fine, and the other took a couple of nibbles. That’s a success! With a few tweaks to the recipe, I think I can get our reluctant eater on board.

This meal inspired me to go hunting for more family-friendly salmon recipes from other moms and that’s what this post is about.

Below are 20+ healthy kid friendly salmon recipes that I think may make it onto our table with success. Hopefully yours too!

kid friendly salmon recipes

20+ Healthy Kid-Friendly Salmon Recipes

sheet pan salmon and veggies recipe
New! Our Honey Glazed Sheet Pan Salmon and Veggies Recipe

Our recipe has everything going for it: Fast Prep, Healthy, Delicious and Beautiful!

Tin Foil Garlic Parmesan Salmon and Veggies
Chelsea’s Messy Apron – Tin Foil Garlic Parmesan Salmon and Veggies 

 Grilled Salmon Cobb Salad
Fashionable Foods – Grilled Salmon Cobb Salad  A Beautiful Mess – Sweet Chili Garlic Salmon 

Sweet Chili Garlic Salmon
A Beautiful Mess – Sweet Chili Garlic Salmon 
Salmon Quesadillas
Tastes of Lizzy T – Salmon Quesadillas 

Cilantro Salmon with Rice
The Inspired Home – Cilantro Salmon with Rice

Bourbon Salmon
The Cozy Apron – Bourbon Salmon 

Sockeye Salmon Nachos
Climbing Grier Mountain – Sockeye Salmon Nachos 

Salmon Croquettes
Pickled Plum – Salmon Croquettes 

Salmon Tacos Cilantro Lime Slaw
Willow Bird Baking – Salmon Tacos Cilantro Lime Slaw 

If you’re looking for more family pleasing healthy recipes  check out our roundup of  20 Quick and Easy Sheet Pan Meals!

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Saturday 3rd of February 2018

First, thanks for these salmon recipes. Also, thank you for tge reminder of tge importance of Vit -D getting it during winter months. We all to often forget to take a supplement, especially if we are not eating it.


Friday 7th of April 2017

Salmon used to be a family fave but I think I over did it- appearing each week on the menu plan, baked salmon in the winter, grilled in summer, seasoned with salt and pepper and a little olive oil or butter, served with potatoes and broccoli. It's still my son's fave but the rest of us are less jazzed about it. Many of these look great- I've had some success with using recipes with a sauce of some sort. I also think the salmon we've been getting lately isn't as good; drier, bland- that's why the sauces help, adds some flavour and seals in some moisture. What kind of salmon do you buy? I normally get wild pacific salmon, either highliner or seaquest, basically the only offering for wild MSC salmon in my supermarket. I wonder if I got Atlantic salmon if I would notice an improvement Thanks for all the great ideas. We'll definitely be putting a few of these to the test and hope to make salmon the family favourite again.

Lynn at Nourish and Nestle

Saturday 1st of April 2017

Like you I have one Salmon lover and one not so much, PLUS...a reluctant hubby. But, I think I might be able to coax a few bites of some of these delicious sounding recipes. Thanks for the roundup. PInning for my future reference.

Hugs, Lynn


Saturday 1st of April 2017

There's got to be something on this list, Lynn! Some of the grilled ones maybe? Wishing you the best! :)


Thursday 30th of March 2017

What a great round-up of healthy salmon recipes. I'm always on the hunt for kid-friendly meals.


Friday 31st of March 2017

Thanks, Ashley! Hope you found something good for your family. :)